Friday, June 3, 2011

Updated Ten Commandments

All those crazy preachers who predict the end of the world should change their strategy and take on a new kind of prophesy. I get the feeling if there is a God above who can destroy the world, he isn't ready to do it (maybe he likes Reality TV too much to kill us all?),. despite preacher created hysteria that he wants to end it all. I think it is evident that God 1) wants the world to continue with humans on it and 2) that he needs to update the ten commandments to make them more realistic so we can at least have a chance to obey them. If Microsoft can update us to death, God should update us too, with a new set of commandments to replace the un realistically difficult and too general ones humans are just incapable of upholding.

Look at the original 10 Commandments and you can see they are outdated. Take the one that says " thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife". Is he kidding? I think also in that commandment is says to not covet thy neighbor's ox and goat. No one breaks that commandment anymore. I never even see any goats to covet. It's time to update that list.

But what man doesn't covet a hot neighborly wife once in awhile? If we men stopped coveting them people would say we are gay, and that breaks another of God's commandments. The not covet commandment is a can't win proposition. God needs to alter them to relieve our burden and make it possible to live a moral life, thereby ridding us of nutty preachers who predict we will all be destroyed because we are too "sinful". As an example of one of the commandments that needs replacement (are you reading this God?), how about changing the "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife to "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's cell phone"?

Hmmm If God is everywhere and sees everything then he is reading this too (though I admit his reality TV is probably more interesting to him than are my remarks). God must be able notice how people love their phones and technology too much, and that the adoration of them as false idols needs to be addressed with updated commandments. I say, long live coveted wives and death to cell phone mania!

If God needs a new Moses to deliver the new commandments to mankind I am up to the challenge. I already have a beard like Moses, and I have outdated views that fit more the time of the original Moses than of today. Make me Moses for the day, God. Instead of dropping that heavy tablet with the chiseled commandments, maybe you could just put them on a Kindle book and they can be uploaded from there.

I think God can figure out the rest of the new ten commandment list without any more of my suggestions, so I will shut up . Oh, just one more thing to consider, God....just for me and the rest of the male population of the world. Can you make donuts sacred?

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