Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Following Like Sheep

So you think that the internet is the greatest advancement in technology of the age? Hmmm, maybe so. But if you asked a 16 year old German girl named Thessa she would not only say NO, but might slap you for asking. It seems that Thessa forgot to mark her birthday party invitation as private when posting it as an event on Face book and after more than 1,500 guests showed up and around 100 police officers, some on horses, were needed to keep the crowd under control, Thessa ran for her life.

15,000 people confirmed online they would come to the party even though they did not even even know the girl. They must be party starved in Germany. When Thessa's parents found out about this faux pas disaster, they made their daughter cancel the party, then informed police and hired a private security service to protect their home on Friday night. The partiers showed up with cakes, presents and lots of alcohol as they drank themselves silly, canceled party or not.

I wonder if I post an invitation to have my property landscaped, might a few show up to do that free work for me. What power Face book has, or rather, is it that we are all just so estranged from each other because of our addiction to technology that we'll show up for parties for strangers, just to have something "real" to do. Has the ease with which our technology made it possible to contact and relate to others instantly actually had the ironic side affect of making us lonelier and more estranged than before we had the technology?

15,000 people showing up for a strangers birthday party after it was canceled (15,000 initially messaged they were coming before the party was canceled) is like those armies of ants following the trail to sugar. They don't know why they are going to it, but they are wired to do it anyway. Might humans today be the ants themselves, blindly using their technology without interruption because they are addicted to it and can not do anything else?

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