Friday, June 3, 2011

No Priests Allowed

The owner of a forest in Stir wants to ban priests from passing through his estate as they pilgrim to a world-famous church. Josef Rothwangl, who must be either very bitter or have an offbeat sense of humor, erected signs which warn hikers that his forest was a "children protection area," The restrictions on his land would only come into effect when clergymen/priests plan to walk through it with a group of children. He said groups including parents of hiking kids were allowed to enter. A picture of his NO PRIESTS ALLOWED sign speaks 1000 words. Haha I love the sign's graphic of the priest in closed robe (thank God it isn't open and showing his clerical "jewels"!) chasing after the little ones.

So now the Styrian parish priests can not take the short route through Josef's estate on their way to Mariazell. The town’s church is Austria’s most important pilgrimage site. He, uh claims to have been molested by priests when a child and says that he isn't trying to punch the Catholic Church in the nose, but instead, just wants to make the innocent kids make aware of the high number of sexual and physical abuse cases at Catholic boarding schools and other clerical institutions in Austria.

Well, Austria is a democratic nation with laws against discrimination, so Joseph may have to let the molesters walk across his forest. But his one man protest branding the church as a potential group molestation agency is a clever way of focusing on the issue of past and potentially future clergy molestation. And has given me additional ideas of signs to post against the dangerous of our societal members . How about these other warning signs?

* Before every Reality TV show we might post- "Caution, this program may be injurious to the brain and the ability to reason".
* Islamic extremists terrorist groups should post this on all its letterheads- "We want to give barbarism a second chance."
* In every car of cell phone driver/users- " Beware passengers, I'm Hi Tech, Hi Speed, and Low IQ"
* When the whole family gets Alzheimer's disease, post this one-" We're just wondering who we all are"
* Under the embossed seal of 'The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea'- "Ok, we're not democratic, but neither is The People's Republic of China."
* In any prison- "We're swear that we are all innocent"
* For a street panhandling bum- " I actually need your money for wine"
* At a health club I'd like to see truth in advertising with this sign- " We eat well, exercise, stay fit and die anyway"
* If an honest politician ran a good campaign sign would read- " I only care about your money, not you."

Never mind...I should blame Josef for my sign thoughts.........

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