Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Creating An Identity Crisis

Some people are crazy and others are just "different". But some defy understanding. Did you read or hear of the Toronto couple, Kathy Witterick and David Stocker, who decided, after the birth or their child, to "hide the gender of him/her Or is it correct to say "it" if they refuse to acknowledge the sex of the child?)? They named the new born "Storm"( maybe because what they are doing to that kid is a disaster?) and dress Storm in androgynous clothes to prevent anyone from guessing whether it is a he or a she. Hmmmmm I see a big identity crises coming for little Storm. And with parents like the ones he/she has the crisis may come fast and be life long.

And why are the parents making a guinea pig out of their little newborn human being? Well, they claim that placing a sex identity on the child limits and sometimes interferes with natural urges that are counter to either the male or female role. They wouldn't want a boy who has a feminine side to feel like he can't wear a dress, have dolls, and eventually ovulate. Nor do they want a girl who has a masculine side to feel denied her opportunity to break stuff, play with guns...maybe shoot a few people to show he is manly. So.....why not use a baby in a social experiment to find out? Ouch!

Of course , seeking publicity and reaping economic gain from this near Nazi experiment on a baby is one factor for their pulling this stunt. They even released a press statement (and have eagerly chatted in various TV shows about the "Storm Experiment") saying exactly why they are doing this. "We've decided not to share Storm's sex for now, a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation, a stand up to what the world could become in Storm's lifetime."

Huh?? Well, in one of his press interview the dad, Charles, stated it more succinctly. "If you really want to get to know someone, you don't ask what's between their legs." Hmmm But that's not the case with people like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and a good portion of our esteemed celebrities today who define themselves solely by sex. Adds the mom about their decision to give Storm the freedom to choose who he or she wants to be..... "What we noticed is that parents make so many choices for their children. It's obnoxious," The mom is a teacher at an alternative school. Haha I think the parents of her students must already be lining up to withdraw their kids from that school.

This brings to mind the terrible irony that in almost every place in the world one needs to have a license to own a dog or other pet, but any moron can have a child and psychologically abuse the baby without much challenge by child protection agencies or other legal bodies who should prevent such abuses as the Storm Experiment.

Might those two just be cases of parents drawing attention to themselves by using their child to do so? Denying the sex of a child in order to allow the child to find his or her own sexual identity is like denying an education to a child so he or she can find his own intellectual level,. In a word, it's "abuse"

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