Friday, June 3, 2011


As one who knows nothing about fashion and dresses in the "if it's comfortable, I'll wear it" style I think I have figured out that women's fashion here in Portland is more in accord with my own. In Portland more look like fashion slobs than fashion snobs. I see plenty of raggedy outfits on both sexes, but the women here are especially unconcerned about their look. The trendy fashion fashion look here is hard to find.

I think the preponderance of young, unemployed or "not yet financially stable" population has plenty to do with it. Too, this is a city of bikers, hikers and outdoor types. That crowd isn't interested in high fashion. This may explain the fewer number of high end fashion shops in Portland. It's good for me, (as I sit at my computer in shorts and a T Shirt that says- "I Smile Because I have No Idea What's Going On". Sad, huh, but I consider that almost formal wear. Women who expect men to dress well ( uncomfortably) too often are not my type of women. Just because they are uncomfortable in their layers of make-up, smelly perfume, bra, high heels and too tight dresses doesn't mean I have to be uncomfortable too.

Often a woman who can't afford a $1000 dress is the first to buy one. Other women put pressure on them to dress well. Let's face it, women dress more to outdo other women than to impress men. We men would be happier if you wore cheap clothes, since we often have to pay for it anyway. And why do so many women have so many extra pairs of shoes? I have only two pairs of shoes that I wear and one or tow to match an outfit when I must dress more formally than my message T shirt mode of fashion.

But I dare any man to look in a women's closets and count the shoes. Yep I dare them! It might take hours to get an accurate total of how many are in there. Yet the woman who owns the shoes knows all of the (and probably has given names to each pair).
Because women have so many shoes and outfits to wear, it takes them forever to get dressed. I challenge any women to dress faster than I. Slipping on a T short and shirts is easier for me than the ritual women undergo when dressing. Even when shopping for clothes, a male has the advantage. Go into any clothing store and you will find the section for women's clothes is at least twice the size as is the men's department.

Have I convinced you that you are a slave to the fashion police, and that you should cast off our bras and run to T Shirt bliss! Hehe Gee, its fun to be a slob...

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