Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Put That Cell Phone Down

I'm amused by the latest hoax to come from the World Health organization. This time it's the declaration that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, one of the subgroups that is WHO, concluded that cell phones are "possible carcinogens" that could kill the brains of already brain dead cell phone addicts. This hysterical conclusion flies in the face of almost every study done on the effects of cell phones. Those say that though cell phones do emit low levels radiation (in between radio waves and microwaves) like almost every technology in use today, those waves have never been shown to cause or be associated with an increased incidence of cancer.

As a natural and devoted cell phone hater I find it hilarious because WHO is the same group that gave the typical trendy cell addict his or her belief that the world is being heated by humans and that ' we're all going to die from global warming". I am curious about the reaction of cell fiends to the WHO report. They who accept every bizarre global warming claim as truth, seem far more skeptical about the equally opinionated truth that their phones being too hot to handle. It seems when their personal pleasures are banned they become global warmed cell cancer deniers.

Remember the WHO claim a few years ago that 90 million people would die from the 'Bird Flu' epidemic (no humans died, because the disease was confined to birds)? Or what about those stupid Swine Flu shots they tried to persuade us to take a couple of years ago.? The list of bogus science wrapped in an official organization is endless. This latest example, the "you're gonna get brain cancer if you use that cell phone", should jolt people to think more about the so called science that is propagandized to them these days...err....yes...the global warming theory being the biggest example of it.

The great irony of this age of technological and scientific advancement is that some of the alleged scientific conclusions are more a perversion than a product of the scientific method. I don't know what the agenda of the WHO conclusion is, but it certainly isn't science. And as much as I hate cell phones, or rather the common abuse of humans by those who use them coarsely and even dangerously, I think that the only cancer your cell will give you is the figurative kind.... the abuse in use of them that is killing civility.

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