Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TV In The Car

It's getting more and more dangerous to be in a car these days. The technology addicts keep adding distractions to their driving that imperil themselves and anyone else they could hurt, maim or kill in an accident caused by a technology distraction. The latest proposal lawmakers are considering to help distracted drivers kill us all comes from my former state of Louisiana. A bill for lawmakers to vote on in the legislature there aims to let front seat passengers watch video screens in vehicles in Louisiana if the driver can't see it. That's right, they want to make it legal to put TV sets in the front seat area.

Should that foolishness be legalized? Forget the idea that the driver can't actually see the screen. The distraction for the noise of people watching, from the driver overhearing comments about's insane.
What exactly is the benefit of having a dashboard TV screen in your vehicle? How does this help anyone and how can it not be considered dangerous?That bill to legalize television screens on car and truck dashboards moved within one step of final approval yesterday on the same day that a proposed ban on hand-held cell phones while driving died. Odd, huh? Do they want us to chat on cell phones and watch TV while driving? Do you have the feeling that when the porno channel is on, the driver may bend his neck to take a peek?

The surprise to all this is that in most states in the U.S. it's already legal to have TV's in automobiles. Hmmmm Maybe they are right and we should go even further in finding ways to make driving more dangerous, and therefore, more fun. How about some new laws to allow even more distraction for the driver.

- mini car microwaves to use while driving so our coffee or hamburgers don't get cold.
- lanes for texting while driving (of course there will be "warnings" posted for those who accidentally find themselves in the manic text lanes).
- mini bars in cars (bartenders optional)
- make legal all lap dancing performed while the car is in motion

Further suggestions on your end are appreciated. Let's have more fun on the road.

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