Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Funniest Nations

The results are in. In a just released survey by Badoo of 30,000 people in 15 countries conducted on line people from the USA were overwhelmingly voted the world's "funniest nationality ... best at making people laugh". Does this mean I have to make you laugh here? Never mind.

Take a look at the top ten list and the three least funny nations that I have below. In looking at the top ten, it's pretty much as I would expect it to be, absent Britain from being higher up (maybe even number one) on the list. No Asian nations appear at all because they are so literal in orientation that humor doesn't come through as often. Making one laugh means non literal conversation or gestures and most Asians are more interested in the facts rather than the subliminal absurdities in life. And no African nations appear because no one can laugh when being chased by lions all day.

Why is France listed as the 5th funniest? They are humorless....but then, France as a nation is one big joke anyway. Maybe that's why they got so many votes, as a figurative gesture. Numbers one two and three seem appropriate, but Brazil as number four??? Have you heard any good Brazilian jokes lately? Neither have I.

The least funny list seems right on too. Germans are to busy invading countries and drinking too much beer to be funny. The Russians are just weird and always want to spend time figuring out how to attack your computer and steal your identity and credit card number. No room for jokes there. The only thing funny about Turkey is that they name their country after a bird we Americans eat on Thanksgiving.

Hmmm Come to think of it, this list and my comments about it are probably "for the birds" anyway. Keep smiling out there

Most funny
1. American
2. Spanish
3. Italian
4. Brazilian
5. French
6. Mexican
7. British
8. 9. Tie: Dutch, Russian
10. Belgian

Top three Least Funny of those receiving votes
1. German
2. Russian
3. Turkish

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