Friday, June 3, 2011

End of The World Again

Well, I guess we should all be a little disappointed. Another end of the world prophesy passed and we are all still here. world ending earthquakes or raptures as predicted by crazy Christians. I guess we have to count on Hollywood for that scenario to come to life. (Please don't make Leo Di Caprio God in the film...I have already had enough of that guy). It's a let down to me even though I know that I would not have been among the faithful that would have ascended into heaven.

Wacky religions are only fun when they are so preposterous they make us believe their nonsense. This latest Christian far out sect didn't even give a plausible way that God would end the world. Instead they claimed an earthquake in New Zealand would do it. Even those biblical pestilence episodes from the bible make more sense than that. It's just not possible for an earthquake to cause the world to end. Give me a storm of locusts or something creative and I might believe the end is near.

And the crazy leader of the religious group that predicted the end of the world is named 'Harold Camping'. How can a preacher named Harold be taken seriously? He should change his name to Moses or Abraham, something more in the line with a serious preacher name. And Harold is a retired engineer. How can an engineer know about God 's return to earth to scoop up believers and holy types and leave the rest of us to perish on earth? Engineers build bridges. They don't predict world ending earthquakes.

Worse than Harold and his crazy prophesy are those who follow his ideas. Some of his believers (I'd like to test the IQ's of that group) shut themselves inside their homes to pray as they waited for the world's end. Others met with their children for tearful last lunches, and preparing to leave behind pets and be swept up to heaven. Uh, they must have forgotten that this is Harold's second end of the world prediction. He says his earlier apocalyptic prediction in 1994 didn't come true because of a mathematical error. With excuses like that, Harold sounds more like a politician than a preacher.

I am also disappointed that the world didn't end because it would have removed all those nutty doomsday Christians like Harold from our presence. I think that the world would be better off without Christians like Harold. Maybe God canceled the end and decided he didn't want to scope them up into heaven after all because he also can't endure Harold. Heaven would not be heavenly if Harold and his minions were up there making predictions and annoying God. Still, it's really not nice of God to leave us with Harold and his followers. Maybe as a compromise, God could just shut Harold up.

Oh, wait...I feel some shaking now. The earth is trembling! I should repent. Oops! Never mind, the earth is still here. I think I just passed a little gas while writing about this nonsense. Than God I can resume my heathen existence on earth.

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