Thursday, March 7, 2013

Which Bathroom To Use

There 's more strangeness happening in Colorado since the state legalized marijuana. Haha Who said Mary Jane won't alter the brain and cause a parent to behave irrationally. Ok, the pot isn't the reason  6 year old first grader Coy Mathis has been banned from using the girls’ bathroom at her Fountain, Colorado elementary school. It's because she feels she is transgender and her parents support the notion.  How odd is it to let a 6 year old child change sex? Hmmmm Maybe Coy and family should move to Thailand where unisex bathrooms abound.

Since Coy has been "expressing her gender identity as female" since she was 18 months old, and living openly as a girl since age four he/she had been using the girls’ rest room until December 2012, when school administrators informed her parents that she would now have to use the boys’ bathroom, a staff bathroom or the nurse's bathroom instead. Here's the story in full from Coy's crazy mom  if you wish to click the link.

So Coy's family has filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division, the first claim to test the state’s Anti Discrimination Act, which includes protections based on gender identity, this being contrary to the school's belief that letting Coy use the girls’ bathroom would be “damaging” to other students. Most 6 year olds have many wild fantasies, but few parents encourage them to not only act them out but to believe they are real. I doubt that an 18 month old child or even a 6 year old  can decide he is a female. When he goes through puberty it might be a better time for Coy to think about that. At age six gender is cultural, not biological.

I'm on the school's side on this one. Though it's fair that the alleged transgender Coy should not be forced to  use the boy's bathroom. The school is clearly aware of this and has offered an alternative with the nurse's bathroom. Transgendered at six years old? Are you kidding me? To Coy's parents I suggest guiding Coy be a little boy until he is old enough to understand which sex he is or wants to be.

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