Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Wish They Would Stop Blaming

You know what I am tired of hearing about.  It's that "climate change" thing, what they used to call 'global warming'. It seems every climate variation anywhere in the world is blamed on the theory that humans are controlling climate and making it hotter. I don't believe man is making the world warmer by doing manly things and wish that every natural disaster or weather event would not be claimed to be the fault of my driving my car or using my air conditioning.

The latest stupidity claimed by global warmers is that eye disorders are caused by the increased levels of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the surface of the earth because of ozone depletion. They also claim that increased temperatures have created more eye problems. Fact is, they are blind and should open their eyes more and express fewer opinions as being fact. Here are some other things that climate change/global warmed idiots say are the result of mankind's abuse of earth: shrinking sheep, longer days, shorter days, more shark attacks. the Arab Spring, diabetes, more strokes and heart attacks, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, beer not tasting the same as before, the suicide of farmers in Australia, infertile cows, the collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden, UFO's in England,  bigger tuna fish, wetter snowstorms, bad sex, severe acne, dying polar bears,  more tornadoes, depression, increased threat of war, more allergies, that big earthquake and tsunami in Japan, armed robbery, prostitution, drug abuse in Ghana, insanity....

Ok, that's just some of climate change. I will stop at "insanity" because I do agree with the climate change nuts that they are insane. In my view the real results of the irrational climate change hysteria is the deadening of the brains of those who believe such nonsense instead of using their own reasoning process, the waste of money on silly green technology, the frightening of children with crazy "it's global warming and we are all going to die" refrains.

Climate does change naturally. It is not a stable phenomenon. Fact is that not only does Earth have natural climate chance but all of our planets as well.  Last time I check nobody was driving cars in Venus. We should all act responsibly as to our environment, but exaggerating and lying about the effects humans have on climate is counterproductive to doing that. Humans need truth not scare tactics to motivate them to live in harmony with nature. Anything else than that is just crying wolf.

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