Sunday, April 29, 2012

Down With Make-up

Finally! Natural looking women are roaming about. Well, ok. Maybe not Most women are still slathering on the make-up, grooming hair and wearing fancy jewelry. But for nearly 60 days, two women from Charlotte, N.C., have been doing something that many women say they could never do: leave the house without makeup. Molly Barker, 51, and Caitlin Boyle, 27, have stopped styling their hair, painting their nails, wearing jewelry, donning high heels or shaving anything. Yep! They both stopped shaving their legs and underarms and both, at first, gave up deodorant. "We weren't sure if it was a beauty or a hygiene product," Boyle says. "It turns out it's a hygiene product."

They plan to go on this mad ride for two months without their beauty routines so that they can answer a question: Why do they do these things anyway? We men have been asking women that for years. Sometimes women can be a little excessive in painting faces and dressing seductively, when we like the look of jeans and a make-up less face just as much. Barker, says she won't wear make-up again, except on "fancy" occasions. Boyle says she may wear it a few times a week but will not consider it a necessity.
Here's what they say they have learned so far:

- They like the natural look of their faces and say their skin looks better now that they do not cover it with make-up every day.
- They haven't felt embarrassed or pressured to doll up. Both say they have an arm pit full of hair and no man has a said a word about it (of course, if one did, he might not live to tell it again).
- They have noticed that quite a few other women don't wear make-up
- They are saving a ton of money previously spent on all the cosmetics
- They do miss smooth legs and underarms
- They have inspired other women to do the same. Thirty other women are currently doing the same experiment (since men are already slobs none have also reportedly been inspired)
Hmmm Let's see..hairy armpits, no deodorant, lipstick bras, heels....Great......for a gorilla. But I doubt too many women are going to cast it all away and want the gorilla look any time soon.

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