Friday, March 30, 2012

Disqualified On The Basis Of Sex

Did you see the story about what I feel is the most interesting of the Miss Universe contestant ever? Jenna Talackova, 23, has been disqualified from the Miss Universe Canada competition because she was born a male. And she doesn't look like it, because she is smoking hot. Jenna says that she began hormone therapy at age 14. At 19, she had sexual reassignment surgery.

The Miss Universe Canada web site states that to enter the pageant, a woman must be a Canadian citizen and between the ages of 18 and 27. If basic requirements are met, they are asked to fill out a longer application form. The form does not mention any rules against sexual reassignment surgery. But when kicking her out of the competition the pageant organizers said it was because "she lied about her gender". Hmmm If she lied maybe she should run for political office instead of for Miss Universe.

Despite the ban, she is as beautiful or more so than the other Canadian contestants and I wish she would be allowed to stay in the competition. But the Miss Universe contest is a private one and exclusive to "natural" women only. If a private contest wants to make dubious rules, so be it. It's there show. I would love to see Jenna be allowed in and overjoyed if she won because it would be good for society, for breaking down sexual stereotypes and because it would be a much more entertaining pageant if opened to transsexuals.

These big beauty contests have become too stuffy and stale. No wonder fewer women want to be involved in them. I say let all the trannies in (If they do it I will place a bet on Miss Thailand to win). It would help break down hate and discrimination aimed at transsexual people and might revive those boring beauty pageants.

Just think of the fun in trying to guess which of the contestants is a tranny and which not, and of all the men who get boners looking at their favorite contestant and then find out the she was once a he. Too, if those stupid reality shows can have audiences vote on the winners of their production, I say the Miss Universe pageant should do the same. When a girl like Jenna wins and it is announced that the most beautiful woman in the universe is a transsexual one, the whole notion of sexual stereotypes will be destroyed. The Mr. Universe pageant (Is there one of those?) could also have their selection in conjunction with the Miss Universe version. Maybe a woman who had a sex change operation to become a man could win the Mr. Universe contest. nobody would know who should wear a dress! Men everywhere would start buying bras and walking in heels.

Maybe even the first male pregnancy would not be far behind! Ok, I am over doing it a little in expecting that. Anyway, I think Jenna's entrance into the contest was fascinating and good for society. I should go by a bra for myself to celebrate....

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