Sunday, April 29, 2012

Only In Louisiana

I still keep in touch about my former city, New Orleans and my home state, Louisiana via the internet. I think one ever completely moves away anymore, because the internet provides even the daily newspaper of the former residence with which to keep ties. I read news from new Orleans every day. I even have a favored radio station from New Orleans that is book marked. Apparently, the craziness didn't all leave New Orleans when I left, because one of those only in New Orleans or Louisiana stories showed up today.

It seems there was a tourist attack in a small town about 100 kl  outside the New Orleans near baton Rouge (the state capital).  But this one is an attack of a different type. Authorities say a 6 foot alligator showed up at the front door of a Super 8 Motel in Port Allen, Louisiana and bit a guest. Haha How does one explain to his rio her medical insurance provider that happened? West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff Mike Cazes said his office got a 911 call about the alligator attack. Alligator attacks are not uncommon when people handle or hunt gators. They are all over the Southern Louisiana area in swamps, bayous, along rivers, in forests, even in some house subdivisions. There is even an alligator hunting season due to the huge number of them.

When I live in the city I can remember quite a few residents walking into their front or back yard and seeing  an alligator roaming. The procedure is to call the police who send an alligator hunter from the area Animal Control office to capture and then release the gator in the nearest swamp. Too most of the time the only thing an alligator attacks (and sometimes swallows) is a cat or dog, though a few children have been attacked while playing.

But this tourist decided to be a hero and apprehend the gator himself. There are yet no reports of his having had too many drinks of his favorite alcoholic libation as a fortification before trying. Matt Marszal, the motel's front desk clerk, said the gator bit the the motel guest as he tried to catch it before Animal Control workers showed up. The man was taken to the hospital with all. Give him credit though. Most tourists want the ambiance of the local sights on film as they snap pictures, but that fellow took it to another level.

Once Animal Control workers arrived, he said the gator was subdued within 5 minutes....which proves you should never wrestle a gator yourself. Oh well.
I guess the Alligator was upset they wouldn't rent him a Room

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