Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter Candy

I am surrounded by jelly beans in stores and at home (my candy dish here overflows with them) because the Easter candy sales are all about me. Now longer do I have a child young enough to hunt candy eggs and treats outside Easter morning, and Easter baskets filled with candy won't be searched for inside. But I love sweets too much to give up on Easter candy. I have jelly beans and Easter chocolate out in candy dishes and I am nibbling my favorites. Uh...I think I am not alone because almost 100 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made for sale every Easter and I am going to eat my share (always start eating with the bunny ears)!

Last year I read that if all the Easter jelly beans were lined end to end, they would circle the globe nearly three times. So I must do my share to prevent the egg take over of the world by eating my share (the lime green and lemon yellow and orange are my favorites). Besides the jelly beans and chocolate Easter rabbits I like quite a few other Easter candy. I love the caramel Easter eggs, jelly rabbits . Those dark chocolate Easter eggs get my attention too. I used to buy those for Jane's Easter basket knowing that she prefers milk chocolate. She would eat the milk chocolate eggs and I would get the dark ones. The first rule of filling an Easter basket is to always buy you child some candy he or she doesn't care for but you like.

There is also Easter candy I don't like. Those marshmallow peeps lead the list. Yuk! While in a grocery store the other day I saw that they are selling peeps now that are made with a chocolate coating to seduce non peeps people like me. Well, I bought and ate one of the individual chocolate peeps and, it fails the test. What's inside is still a peep. I also dislike and don't want in my basket malt eggs, those hot cross buns (too dry), anything licorice, and any sour or spicy Easter candy.

The best Easter treat is a giant hollow Easter bunny made with premium chocolate. As a kid I used to break some of it into pieces and put it in the freezer or refrigerator. The cold changes the taste of it, and I find it favorable. But whatever time of the year, Easter or any other holiday, we have the excuse to eat plenty of candy guilt free, and I'll never pass up that opportunity.

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