Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Deaded Cliché'

I have an awareness for the cliché'. If you or anyone says or writes it I'll be aware of it. From time to time (as in the case of from time to time) I also use them and more often than I would like to, for the cliché' can be both deceptive in meaning and annoying in practice. As the improper usage of language increases, cliché's and slang increases and we wind up saying too much, too little or just blabbering things that the listener or reader can't understand or won't pay attention to.

My first exposure of the cliché' and my now dislike of them came from the barrage of cliché's my dad used. It was odd, given my father had a magnificent command of the language and used it brilliantly when he wasn't dropping his cliché' bombs. I wonder who indoctrinated him in the use of them? Regardless, if something bad happened that day my always optimistic dad would throw out a "Tomorrow's another day" to reassure me that I should ignore the unpleasantness. If my dad was the only one who wanted his steak cooked well done and I objected with remarks that he was incinerating and drying his steak, he would remark that his like proves we that "Everyone has his own taste" in things. You get the idea! I won't torture you with any more of my father's favorite sayings.

If my dad were alive today he would probably love the blathering cliché's we are faced with in this modern linguistically challenged society. I dread to say, he might even like the "loll" and other chat acronyms that have crept into our spoken language. I don't! I would prefer an all formal language vocabulary to the crazy slang and cliché' phrases and terms that have become standard usage today.

The absolute worst and perhaps most overused of the cliché's is "Have a nice day". It is mystifying to me that someone can make my day nice or that I even have the option to make my day nice. If all our days were nice we would lived in boredom and dread waking each morning. But even Superman can't make his day nice. Too, what if I don't like nice days? Perhaps I want some conflicts or adversity to make the day more interesting and less nice. People who command we should "Have a nice day" are making my days....well....not so nice.

This cliché' subject is getting me down. I think I shall end it here and send wishes that you "have a nice day" today.

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