Sunday, April 29, 2012

Loss Of Faith

There seems to be loss of faith in institutions in this country, particularly in government. I suspect the same is happening in most other places as well. The latest faith breech here is the scandal involving the Secret Service agents who are employed to protect public officials from harm or attack, as in the President and other elected officials. A group of Secret Service agents who were in the nation of Columbia to set up security details for President Obama's visit, instead consorted with a number of Colombian prostitutes in and outside of their hotel.

Fortunately the hookers were just that and not agents of terrorists or some other outsider who might want security information from the agents in order to harm the president. Apparently, none of the prostitutes were attempting to blackmail the horny agents either. But several of the ladies complained about the agents not paying for the sex, and that broke the news story in the media.

This latest breakdown in government only makes people feel that they have no faith in their government and in many other of today's important institutions. Might this decade become the decade of cynicism? Scandal after scandal, from drug aided cheating athletes in sports to politicians caught with their pants down in the wrong places, to sex scandals in the Catholic Church, may have begun to wear down the faith citizens have in their once favored institutions.

What is going on with the adults who are elected or appointed to responsible positions? They are behaving like children. and in reaction, we are either winking and saying, "boys will be boys" or are simply losing faith in those institutions that we need to serve us. This is an age when being the bad boy is tolerated by many and treasured by more than a few. Being a responsible adult today is no longer the trend, but the exception. Is there a general reluctance in our society today to be mature? Is it now cool to act childishly and in negative ways? Who is the grown-up today?

The public today has lost faith in much of the formal institutions, in politics, in sports, in corporations, in the media they once respected and trusted to report truth but now reports more scandal and gossip. Ahhhhhhhhh! How can one have faith anymore in the core institutions of society? You tell me.

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