Sunday, April 29, 2012


I have long uttered the popular refrain about television "going to the dogs". Uh, I was ranting metaphorically but now can say it literally. DOGTV has debuted in California (it belongs no where else?) and is about to go national in the U.S. and soon after go on line. The DOGTV network says it's mission is to "offer a promise not our beloved best friends that they should never again feel alone."

It claims to be a "scientifically developed and Pup approved' television station Hmmmm But I never heard of a lonely dog or a lonely dog that needs the boob tube. Have you? Surely, TV has killed human language skills, but it's hard to believe we now communicate on the same level as Fido. However, though I refuse to bark about it, some of those human cell phone addicts do seem to snarl and woof into their phones from time to time. Maybe they also need a DOGTV app for their cells.

DOGTV is advertising free and is aimed at "stay-at-home dogs". Here is a link to the DOGTV mission statement that explains it fully. But I think it defies human imagination that humans will pay for and expect alleged dog TV shows to appeal to canines.

Supposedly, the 24 hour a day cable DOGTV has the sound, color and camera angles just right for dogs. Well, if they would just show Reality TV shows I think they might achieve the same affect for the doggies. I doubt there is much difference between the two. And, yes, the actors on dog TV are mostly other dogs who act more with more civility than Snookie or the Kardashian brood (but then what self respecting animal doesn't).

DOGTV is a kind of role model for canines, a "new breed" of TV!. In the California city of Escondido, the Human Society dog shelter mounted TV's at the local kennel and has reported a major improvement in all the dogs who watch. (I guess there is no dog porno programming to corrupt them?) I wonder why TV seems to do the opposite to human kids? Someone should switch the dog shows to the kid network and the children's' shows to DOGTV and see what happens to both the dogs and the human kids. It might be a natural anyway, given so many small children bite each other like dogs.

Sedating dogs with TV maybe be about what sedating kids with TV has become, a baby sitting device. Gee...I hope the world's dogs are not damaged as much by DOGTV as human kids have been by watching human TV.

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