Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Baby Or My Stuff?

I have a bizarre New Orleans crime report for you. It's so strange that I attached the link to it here, since it is almost beyond recounting. Click below, read the article and look at the face if the "suspect". I want to see if you have similar impressions and disgust as I. Ok, go to it now...I will wait for you to come back....

Can you believe it? Looking at the face of suspect Charbaney (well, at least the name is interesting, if not the disgusting person to whom it is attached) I see a microcosm of some of the worst element in society. That and the look of stupidity or, perhaps drug addiction, might explain why that thief robs upscale baby clothing stores and after being caught leaves her own baby behind as she flees the police.

Let me guess that Charbaney fits the most common profile of a thief. I guess the following: has an extensive criminal record, she is from a single parent family, was ignored or abused, had few or no proper role models from which to learn right from wrong, is uneducated, has no employment but lives modestly off "Obama stuff" (the endless entitlements the "poor" get from a collection of 128 federal anti poverty programs that require nothing more from the recipient than to hold out the hand and take in the gifts), is or has been a drug users, has an illegitimate child or children, expects "the government" to provider her with all of life's necessities and wants, has one or more children who have already learned the welfare lifestyle and intends to live life under that code... Ok I am guessing about Charbaney, but I would bet she fits all or most of that profile.

My point is that the number of Charbaneys' out there are growing as the world becomes more and more a huge welfare state. In a welfare state, all members of society are forced to give to certain other individuals, groups or businesses all on an arbitrary basis (though most of the time it is the basis of politicians giving "free stuff" in return for votes to keep them in office). These entitlements most often come in the form of free benefits such as health care, housing, food etc. to "the poor" (now defined as a growing and hardly impoverished mass). The esteemed CATO Institute in a major study on the effect of welfare on the individual and society had quite a few conclusions. Here are a few of them.

-The value of the full package of welfare benefits for a typical recipient in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia exceeds the poverty level. Because welfare benefits are tax-free, their dollar value is often greater than the amount of take home income a worker would have left after paying taxes on an equivalent pretax income.
-In 40 states welfare pays more than an $8.00 an hour job. In 17 states the welfare package is more generous than a $10.00 an hour job.
-Welfare benefits are especially generous in large cities. Welfare provides the equivalent of an hourly pretax wage of $14.75 in New York City, $12.45 in Philadelphia, $11.35 in Baltimore, and $10.90 in Detroit. For the hard core welfare recipient, the value of the full range of welfare benefits substantially exceeds the amount the recipient could earn in an entry level job. As a result, recipients are likely to choose welfare over work, thus increasing long term dependence.

I find Charbaney and those like her to be disgusting human beings, people who burden society and impair it their entire lives, and individuals to some degree created by the welfare mentality that has captured the world. But having written that, I find even greater disgust for we who allow our governments to give others too much "free stuff" rather than helping those in need with real programs that require responsibility and restitution for the gifts received from society.

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