Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Twist

I see from my online reading that Chubby Checker is appearing in New Orleans this weekend. If you don't know who Chubby is you probably need to "twist" a bit to hear. Chubby is the guy who recorded the biggest selling rock song of all time “The Twist”, recorded by Chubby Checker in 1960 and long a sensation both musically and culturally. The twist is not only the No. 1 song of all time, and the biggest song of the greatest decade of pop music, the ’60's but the song that started rock in rollers dancing again.

So 2010 is the 50th anniversary of people on the dance floor doing their own thing. Chubby himself claims that after recorded The Twist and people said, “We can exercise to this,” music and aerobic exercise became a permanent fixture in society. Maybe so. I hate dancing with a passion but I have done the twist in my childhood years. Haha And I haven't danced since!

Everyone who likes the 60's music has done it. Silly as it is, it sort of loosened up the music of the era and made it charming. "Every time someone goes on the dance floor and dances to Lady Gaga, they’re doing the Chubby Checker. Every time a kid goes on the floor and they’re dancing by themselves, they’ve just renewed Chubby Checker, " that according to Chubby himself.

So Chubby Checker is traveling far and wide celebrating 50 years of people dancing apart to the beat. At age 70 he still looks twist able and young at heart. No doubt that 'the Twist' and the sequel ( Sequels are always a disappointment, and the sequel to 'The Twist' is too, but people still bought it like crazy) to it, “Let’s Twist Again”, are iconic tunes, hall of fame caliber. The first rock ’n’ roll song to receive a Grammy was “Let’s Twist Again”. Sadly, beyond those two songs Chubby Checker never again came close to a hit. Being a one hit wonder. or two hit wonder in his case isn't so bad though. His songs are still alive and feeding Chubby with pay outs for the concerts he gives all across the country and in Europe.

If you are interesting in twisting with Chubby, try the link of the audio version of the song that many think made rock in roll popular allot faster than it would have been if no one had twisted,.

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