Saturday, August 21, 2010


I saw a poll of Americans and it says that 20% of Americans surveyed said they think Barrack Obama is a Muslim. This is odd , given like every politician who wants to be elected again, Obama and family often have their images photographed entering or exiting a Christian church on Sundays. Obama also advertised his Christianity on the campaign trail and early in his administration, including distributing pamphlets about his religion. Too, it's hard to believe but 46 percent of African-Americans say they don't know what religion he is.

So why the lack of knowledge about his religion? Maybe it's hate that makes them believe it. Like Bush before him, Obama is a polarizing figure. Many who dislike him are willing to believe anything negative about Obama so they will have more reason to hate him. Propaganda as in "Obama is Muslim" seems to stir up a great deal more passion when its object is hatred, not understanding. Jonathan Swift wrote,"Hatred by fools and fools to hate.Be that my motto and my fate."

So I guess hatred is an art and the mere mention of the name Barrack Obama paints a big picture of it. I don't think I ever hated anything or even approached a state of rabid dislike. I voted for Obama but dislike his performance and lack of character since taking office. However, I will not change his religion to a currently unpopular one, nor use the art of lying to discredit him. I think he is doing a good job of discrediting himself without help form others.

My point isn't really about Obama or anyone else being hated because of lies and misinformation. It's about hate itself. Is it the strongest emotion? Why do we create it when scared, confused or when we are threatened? It even motivates people to do what they ordinarily would not do. Wars are fueled by it.

I think hate endures far longer than love. We can love another person but easily fall out of love, divorce that person. People stop loving, but they rarely stop hating. Does this imply we are more negative than positive beings? Why, even religions hate. For two examples, think extremist Muslims today and the Catholic Church during the time of the crusades.

Surely, irrationality is the basis of hatred. Hmmm Have you ever or do you hate anyone? If so, why? Do you regret the hatred? Uh, just to let you know, I'll hate you if you don't answer.

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