Sunday, August 15, 2010

Too Many Holidays

If I said "Today is a holiday", you probably wouldn't be surprised, even though it isn't a holiday (as far as I know). My point is there are a whole lot of holidays in every country, many more than in the past. It's a wonder any work ever gets done these days. With so many cultures mixing in nations all over the world, more holidays are introduced into countries. Also, it's a trend to give even the smallest minority or belief their own holiday that the majority has to celebrate too.

For example, in the U.S the latest holiday to be named honoring a person is Martin Luther King Day here in late January. It's a mandatory day off for all government workers, banks, the post office etc. Nobody can do much work that day. But in the next month there are holidays for Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and a day called "President's Day to honor more former U.S. presidents with a holiday. Why don't they just give all the presidents and Martin one day to celebrate so work can be done. I think many holidays are just an excuse to take a day off work.

Even within a single nation one section may get a holiday for one thing and another for their own holiday. Take New Orleans, for instance. It has Mardi Gras day, and all workers, even federal government employees get that day off. I think they trade President's day for Mardi Gras Day, working on the former and partying on the latter. But if you took the Mardi Gras holiday away from people in New Orleans and south Louisiana they would be so upset they might refuse to work the rest of the days in the year.

Some holidays are sacred and universal, like Christmas day. Even non Christians love it because there is so much non religious about it that's fun. I doubt the world will embrace all religious as they do Christmas. Few non Muslims will ever get excited about Eid Al-Fitr day. Muslim holidays are not fun like the Christian holidays. Instead of Santa Clause and gingerbread cookies, Eid Al-Fitr makes you fast and kneel and pray to exhaustion. If the Muslims want to be
In the holiday celebration calendar they have to make their holidays less serious and more ridiculous like the Christians do. Ho Ho Ho.

I could go on and on about the presence of too many holidays today, but I will leave you with the names of some real January holidays some people celebrate during one random month (January). Are you ready to get emotional about...

Baby Boom Birthday (officially began, 1946)
Snake Eyes Day (for gambling addicts, I presume)
Great Fruitcake Toss Day
National Cream Puff Day
Positive Postcard Day
Working Women in the White House Day
Festival Of Sleep Day (I should sleep through that one)
Humiliation Day (but I already humiliate myself daily)
Birthday of the Blender Day
Bean DayCuddle Up Day
National Shortbread Day
I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore DayPeculiar People Day
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day
Blame Somebody Else DayNational Good Teen Day (Founded by an Ohio school teacher, this day has actually been approved by the U.S.Congress)
Popeye's BirthdaySquirrel Appreciation Day (I never knew we've been un appreciating squirrels)
Granola Bar DayWomen's Healthy Weight Day (prepare to be slapped by the nearest woman if announcing that day)
Mad Tea Party Day (Lewis Carroll author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland's Birthday)National Toilet Day (you can read this on the toilet, then flush it that day)
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (How does a human show appreciation for Bubble Wrap?)National Inane Answering Message Day (Well, I can relate to the insane part)

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