Sunday, August 15, 2010

Man Food Over The Top more commentabout food. As Americans (me too keep eating more and more food and getting fatter as a result the food merchants keep tempting up with oddball food combos and offerings. I just read about this trend as it is applied to those summer time country fairs. they are serving some weird man-food (that which is disgustingly over the top in calories and fat and far more popular with men). The food sellers today believe that they have to have something disgustingly new to keep people entertained when hungry. Every year they are try developing more weird selections for the clogged artery set.

So I come here with this topic today to make you either jealous or disgusted at what we pigs are eating at those fairs. The two biggest selling new heart attack foods this year are a hamburger served between two Krispy Kremes (those ultra sugared donuts), known simply as the doughnut burger. Ugh! Even I wouldn't eat that glob of goo. Why defile the noble donut with meat? But those who like it say the sweetness of the doughnut and the saltiness of the beef make the burger special. The number two new one is deep-fried butter. Haha The butter seller first freezes the butter and covers it in cinnamon before cutting it into cubes and frying it in something that's been at those county fair for years... funnel cake batter. Supposedly it tastes like a buttery cinnamon roll.

Other oddball fair foods this year include; deep-fried sushi, deep-fried dill pickles, deep-fried candy bars, chocolate-covered popcorn balls, root-beer marinated ribs, the garbage burger (a pork patty covered with pulled pork on a bun), and chocolate-covered bacon. I don't think the American heart Association will recommend any of those. There does seem to be a great deal of grease and sugar on those offerings.With selections like those Mc Donald's restaurants may become the new standard of healthy food. And now I think my awful diet might not be so bad after all. I would try the deep-fried candy bars, the root beer marinated ribs and the chocolate covered popcorn balls. What about you?

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