Sunday, August 15, 2010

Common Lies

Today I heard an Islamic "Iman" on a segment of news ranting about how the holocaust of Jews is a "myth". Not only does the volume of eye witness and recorded evidence show that the Iman is wrong about describing it a myth, he's more likely guilty not of mythologizing, but rather of lying about that event. It seems that many people today hold onto beliefs that are more rooted in delusion or lying (given the preponderance of evidence), ignorance (the have never discovered or attempted to view evidence to support or deny their belief), or propaganda (I suspect the main reason so many Muslims believe no Jews were murdered in the holocaust is because of the heavily controlled propaganda of them combined with their hatred of anything non Muslim).

Despite the advancements of science I think there are at least as many lies today as in any other age. How about the "organic food is better for your body" lie that has made billionaires of those selling the organic superiority myth that is wholly unsupported by fact? But then every society is bade on or sets up lies in order to control the masses from thinking for themselves. One only need see the Global Warming hysteria to view how an unproved hypothesis has become sacred truth for many people who live in the west.

Distinguishing between something that is true and something that is believed to be true should be the quest of every human. But it is not, because thinking for oneself is harder and more upsetting to people. So we blindly accept what some authority tells us is true or simply believe what the consensus is, given that it is safer for us since we will rarely be challenged. The Greek philosopher Protagoras said "Man is the Measure of All Things", meaning if more people believe something to be true, even if it is not, it becomes a truism to the society (For example, everyone believed the earth flat in his day, therefore the earth was flat).

We both can think of a litany of those kinds of lies, but here are a few I present for you. Perhaps you believe one or more of them them to be true.

- UFO's are real and there "must" be advanced life forms somewhere in the solar system
- Families have the right values. (ever notice how many family values are dysfunctional ones)
- If it is printed in the Newspaper or heard on the News, it must be true.
- It's not nice to judge others.
- The right answer should always make you happy.
- Terrorists present a real the threat to most people.
- Modern technology makes for better communication among and between individuals.

I know...most of my comments to you are suspect too....

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