Sunday, August 15, 2010

Food Police

First we got the Global Warming police, those zealots who insist that everyone must believe that humans are warming or changing the climate (but at the moment they seem to not be sure which it is changing or just warming) even though humans can not even accurately predict a weather forecast beyond a week or so. If we dare to deny global warming we are labeled as stupid, evil or both. But wait! That isn't as nutty as the latest trendy politically correct zealotry. The newest one is the Food Police crusade.

Now we are told we must eat "healthy" food (Not sure if their diet is actually what the body wants or needs though) or be shunned by the respectable segments of society. Food activists, the government that taxes, legislates and litigates away foods we like to eat but they don't (Obama even named a chef as a "senior policy adviser for healthy food initiatives", one of 35 Obama has selected to make us eat what they think we should), scientists (the same type who jumped on the global warming bandwagon hop on the healthy food mandate crusade because it is career enhancing to do so), academics, and private citizen groups (mostly brain washed crusaders who chirp their spiel like parrots).

Without the national media promoting the so called politically correct diet, most of us would ignore food mandates for what they are- nonsense. But in our unthinking age, one is which the sheep follow the head of the herd, we are corralled and branded with the healthy food label and expected to eat in accordance. Among the tactics that food police types have used to try to kill my noble donut and similar delicious fare include: suing parents or doctors of kids who eat fast food and who are obese, passing zoning laws to exclude restaurants who have menus that do not meet the food police agenda, banning diet soda from sale at schools, labeling candy and other treats with sugar as "food porn", banning the sharing of food snacks on school campuses, placing a sin tax on fast food restaurants for their "sinful food sales", and even make age 18 the minimum one for allowance of the purchase of candy and other sweets.

The latest and most ridiculous food police assault comes from England, where the Imperial College of London researchers has issued a request that all fast food outlets..hold on to your fried chicken because this is crazy......that fast food sellers should consider handing out cholesteral-lowering statin drugs to customers to combat the "effects of fatty food". They say we should not take an aspirin a day to keep the doctor away, but rather a statin a day to cancel a cheeseburger and milkshakes effect.The Imperial College advocates say the statins should be handed out in those small satchels that ketchup and other condiments come in at the fast food places. The idea of handing out drugs because a person wants a tasty burger is so far fetched and idiotic that I need not list the many other problems with such an idea. The lunacy of it is par excellence with some global warming suggestions.

Yet, the zealotry of the food police patrol is as blind to reason and common sense as is the global warming crowd. Until people start to think and act for themselves instead of being swept into foolish, trendy frenzy they will be forced into a "diabetic coma" of the tofu world. What I want (besides a piece of apple pie) is simple. Give me the personal responsibility and freedom to eat what I want, not a food police tofu burger.

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