Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Obamination

More trouble for Barrack Obama. Anxious about high unemployment, a hugely unpopular and nonsensical health care "overhaul", the expansion of the Bush war in Afghanistan and the continued presence of U.S. troops and expensive private contractors in Iraq almost a year after Obama's promises to exit there, and and an economy that President Obama sees as a giant credit card with which to accumulate devastating debt in exchange for more entitlement programs, blame is headed right on Obama's head.

A Gallop poll of voters today showed 50% of those surveyed say he doesn't deserve re-election.That is an astounding negative for a President just a little over one year in office who was given overwhelming support and trust by voters a year ago. I was one who voted for Obama. But never again!

Obama is seen by many as out of step as to the values voters hold dear and in understanding what the U.S. government should and should not do for the citizens. Americans want less government spending and intrusion in their lives, Obama and Congress want more government action and less capitalist free market activity.

Much of the working, tax paying segment of the population, the one that votes more often than does the poorer segment, see Obama as a leader who wants to redistribute wealth, taking away money from those who contribute the most economically and giving them to the people who contribute least or not at all (already half the population here pays no federal income tax).

The furor against the health care bill Obama steered through congress is a good illustration of that redistribution of wealth that has also killed Europe economically. Non working, non contributing citizens get far more benefits than any other group here. This includes free health care at the expense of the tax paying group. Most taxpayers receive nothing for the almost 1 trillion dollar cost of that health care bill.

Obama can't blame George Bush anymore for the sorry mess in which the U.S. has been led. More than one year after his election the country looks as sick as it did when Bush left office and Obama continues to borrow and spend whenever he can.

I like to refer to Obama as "Bush II"(too), and what a great irony it has turned out to be that our Presidency is still an inept, rudderless guide. But the good news is that the U.S. Congress is even more unpopular than Obama. Approximately 75% of Americans disapprove of their Congressmen, the way it is working and want new Representatives and Senators.

I wonder which will be the greater catalyst to the continued down slide of America, Obama or Congress.

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