Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Free Lunches For Spoiled Americans

First the Obama government instituted a wasteful and debt ridden bailout program for private businesses, then cash for clunkers in which the 50% of Americans who are taxpayers pay a portion of the cost of a new car for those who pay no taxes, then a Health care program that rapes taxpayers for the non taxpayer lobby and now comes the "feed the children" school lunch program additions.

I am ready to declare the U.S. "The United States Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" in honor of your adaption of full blown socialism. The U.S.S.S.R now wants to enslave the masses by dangling more free school lunch money in front of the voters...sort of like buying the police officer a dozen donuts in thanks for not writing that traffic ticket you deserved to get.

I passed by the full Congress ,The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 would commit an additional $4.5 billion to child-nutrition programs over the next 10 years in the name of free food for kids. A well fed U.S. Soviet child is an obedient one (to the socialist government who represents him or her). And of course the 50% of the nation who pay the taxes for these programs gets little benefit from the expenses of them.

This bill. .. "puts us on the path to ending childhood hunger and addressing the epidemic of childhood obesity," said one Obomite senator. Hmmmmmmm I wonder when reading that quote, how can there be both child hunger and obesity at the same time? I guess in the U.S.S.S. R. anything is possible, absent reason. And the U.S has been absent reason for years from George Bush to Commissar...err..President Obama today.

Shouldn't providing a school lunch be a parental responsibility? How costly is it for a parent to make a sandwich , add a few complimentary items and a bottle of water or other drink to a lunch box for their children? Should an alleged capitalist democratic government be in the business of feeding kids for free?

Instead of the government here becoming mommy and daddy to lazy Americans, maybe a better policy would be to educate the kids at school on personal responsibility. Oh wait....being personally responsible would be bad for the re election campaigns of the politicians who administer the U.S.S.S.R.

Better just feed them for free until their brains turn to mush and they are incapable of realizing their once democratic capitalist nation has turned into an effete, overfed welfare state.

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