Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Casting Calls

Since I like to work in films I have been to a few casting calls and receive phone invitations to work in various scenes of films. But the open casting call announcement is a common way to seek extra work. Most are straightforward calls, looking for specific types for whatever the film needs. Some times they can be amusing. Here is one I read the other day.

'Need: Older gentleman for partial nudity shot. Buttocks only, no face. Production guarantees only essential crew members will be present. ---The script calls for an "Old and wrinkly butt"...
Serious submissions only, please do not waste my time or the office's time with funny comments...we do not have the time!
Either send an email to or call the office at 318-751-9140...ASAP'

Haha I know you will write that I fit the part perfectly. But I swear my butt is smooth and unwrinkled. Anyway, how does one who gets the part list that as a credit on his resume? I guess "Butt displayed in major motion picture". Still, that kind of butt experience isn't again likely to be again requested.
Sometimes casting needs change completely from the time they hire the extra to the beginning or end of the film. Once I was called by a casting company to play Santa Claus. They said my face was right and they would give me extra padding with the Santa suit. I accepted, but when the film was shot they moved me form the front of the scene to a blurry background because the director said " It's too crowded up front. Let's move Santa." Later I wrote to the real Santa telling him to not give that director any presents for Christmas.
Another time I was asked to portray a German cafe owner for a TV film. I was to just stand behind a counter of a Bavarian cafe shop and serve customers, then at the end of the scene in pantomime in the background I would wag my finger and scream at the waitress for shirking her duty (How German! )because instead she was interviewed by detectives in the film about a murder.
"You look German. The director picked you out as looking right for that role," the casting company told me when they called and offered me the part. I accepted, reported to the set, put on the German cafe wardrobe, was prominently featured in the long scene....but when I watched the movie on TV later I saw that my entire scene had been edited out.
Hmmmmmmm Maybe I should have applied for the wrinkle butt role after all. Who would dare edit my butt out of a scene?

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