Thursday, April 15, 2010

Global Warming Religion

I have always said the Global warming advocates have tried to frame their theory that man is changing the climate into a religion, the cult religion of 'Warmism'. I am convinced now it is so. It's a clever tactic to win support- "If you don't support the global warming hypothesis you are anti God". That trick is used in many promoting some causes because with some it works.

Today a headline in USA today asked the same. "Is climate change a moral issue? What would God say?" How idiotic! look at this quote from that story."The predominant moral issue of the 21st century, almost surely, will be climate change, comparable to Nazism faced by Churchill in the 20th century and slavery faced by Lincoln in the 19th century," said James Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies since 1981, recently in an article promoting his beliefs. To equate global warming theories to the mass murder of the holocaust is insulting and disrespectful. But that is the extent of the fervor of the global warmed nuts.

A number of religions have been pressured into making global warming a moral issue because trendy sells, even in theology. Surely nature is a creation of the force we call God. It should be respected, but to throw a theory into the theology might be a more disrespectful concept than the idea that humans are "sinning" by not becoming global warming adherents. It's ironic, science now dictates to religion what beliefs it should hold, a far cry from the days when Galileo was threatened with death for proposing a scientific explanation of the universe.

Hmmmmmmm So the global warmers are the voices of God. They know what God wants and we must listen and bow even when their global warming theory is unproved. Perhaps if God were asked to opine on this he might say, "You can't change the climate by burning the fossil fuels I gave you." But then anyone who speaks for God is ...well..Godlessly silly.

Popes and religious leaders should tend to the spiritual, not to promoting unfounded scientific guesses. There are un tended moral issues out there better addressed by religion than is the hypothesis of global warming that some scientists and many politicians and promoters are worshipping.

Oh the way..that doctor Hansen that I quoted above is the same one who promoted (with absolute arrogance and surety) the coming of an "ice age" during the early seventies

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