Saturday, April 24, 2010

Image Of The United States

The BBC has conducted a poll every year since 2005 that asks whether the respondents have a favorable or unfavorable view of a particular nation. From 2005-2009 the U.S ranking was not very good. The George Bush era explains that, as Bush and company practically thumbed its nose at the rest of the world, slapped it in the face and even insulted it with words and a big invasion in the Mid East. But now that Bush is gone. most countries around the world now hold a positive view of the United States. It's the first time since the BBC World Service began tracking such attitudes in 2005.

Here are the rankings of the most popular nations, from most to least.

Germany (59% of the respondents rated it as favorable)
European Union
United Kingdom
United States
South Africa
North Korea

Iran is viewed least favorably by an average of 15%, followed by Pakistan at 16%. That's no surprise. But that Germany is ranked most favorable is a puzzle. Germany has had a low profile since it and Japan (also a surprise with the 3rd most favorable ranking) were seen as monstrous states during W.W. II. It seems that Nazism and crazed empires can be rehabilitated.

The survey did not ask why the respondents rated each nation the way they did. It just asked 29,000 adults in 28 countries whether the nation is a positive or negative force in the world. A question I have for you is whether perceptions about other countries matter much? Is a country that is disliked or feared receiving fewer or more benefits from the world than a nation that is seen as favorable? In my view, in the end, it probably means little how a nation is viewed and greatly how it impacts other nations in practical ways.

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