Thursday, April 8, 2010

Earth Day

Millions of U.S. homes, 2,200 businesses such as drug store giant Walgreens and 45 U.S. national landmarks including Seattle's Space Needle turned out the lights for an hour one Saturday night in March to draw attention to "global warming". About 30 of the 50 state Governor's mansions will also turn the lights out, as well as a score of "non essential" federal government buildings.

Yep! It was the 4th annual 'Earth Hour' charade. With all the real problems in the world we are being asked to waste our time and inconvenience ourselves in a meaningless trendy "global warming" ritual.

Supposedly, this Earth Hour ritual "reflects the conviction of people around the world that climate change is real, and we need to do something about it," says Carter Roberts, the head of the World Wildlife Fund that is sponsoring Earth Hour.

Hmmmmmmm turning out the lights and hiding in the dark as away of "saving the planet"'s typical global warmed illogic. Environmental concerns of a real nature, as opposed to phony global warming, require more than darkened nuildings. Population control, education, technology and self restraint are better ways of dealing with real environmental stresses on this over crowded planet.

Wait!!! Doesn't it use as much electricity just to turn on a light as it does to leave it on for two hours? I am sure I have read that many times. If so, even from an energy usage standpoint turning off the lights for such a short time and then turning them back on isn't a "planet saver" after all.

But I would like to turn off the volume to the ridiculous global warmed mentality that freezes brain cells of otherwise rational humans. Besides...Since CO2 has been declared the leading global warming pollutant, it would be more affective if the 'Global Warming' nuts would just hold their breath for an hour...

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