Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thinking Too Much

I've been sick with a virus and then sinus infection for more than two weeks. And in keeping with a pattern for me, it's the second time in two years I have had that infection at holiday time. Being sick is never fun. Being sick two weeks before and the after Christmas is annoying. When one is locked in the house while the world engages with Santa Claus there is bond to be a mental affect that can be worse than the physical illness. I am not sure which is more uncomfortable, the physical or mental symptoms.

This virus made it impossible to read for any length of time, to sit in front of a computer for more than 20 minutes at a time, and it reminded me of just how bad TV programming is today. That leaves little else to do. I felt too bad to cook, clean or the house, so my last alternative and the most common method of avoiding cabin fever was the "thinking" position. That is, I sat in my favorite chair or reclined on my favorite couch and thought about everything, past, present and future. This is not a recommended activity. As they say, "You think too much" is an aphorism of truth.

No doubt you have also been inactive and resorted to thinking too much.. The result is a state of equilibrium resulting in near depression. The reason animals don't think is because they might hurt themselves if they did. Humans, on the other hand, can damage themselves from thinking to much. Many of humans worst characters have been people who did too little and thought too much. They made mischief when they thought too much, mischief that often resulted in tragedy for themselves or for others.

Humans are more productive when their thoughts are spontaneous, not when they are contrived , as when whey are ill or when they have nothing else to do but to think. Remember that Hitler wrote 'Mein Kampf' while in prison. He had nothing else to do. Yet what else are we too do when we can do nothing else but think too much? I shoulod think about an answer for that, but I am already in too much do do from thinking too much the past two weeks.

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