Saturday, January 6, 2018

Advice For Cell Phone Addicts

Given I hate cell phones with a passion , and I don't want to start hating the addicted users it's time for a year 2018 remark or two about those ---- cell phones (I promised myself to be polite here). It's been more than 20 years since the cell phone has become the standard communication for its legion of users. Get over it! It's no longer a novelty to have a cell phone, and if you think kit is you are making a fool of yourself. You do not need to spend a $1000 for the latest apple phone. In fact, those who think trendy is being the first with the latest phone or phone app are likely to be the least trendy.

Relax! Use your phone sparingly, as needed. It isn't an all purpose entertainment device, as those killed while chatting and texting as they drove an automobile found out. If you think you need to be "on your cell" to not be bored you're probably a boring person. Attractive personalities are not those who live inside your phone. Instead, they are people who think for themselves, who read, who experience reality outside their phones. Your addiction to your phone isn't making you cool. It's making you ordinary, no it's making you insipid.

Also, you do not need to walk about the civilized world with your head down, staring into your phone. If you want to relate to others try doing it face to face with conversation. Tweeting, texting and the other communications you use to avoid real interaction in the real world will only isolate you more. When you use your phone to research information you are probably communicating what you want, not what you think is true. Knowledge is not a property based on speed. In fact, those who are rapid in response generally are thinking less about their response. They are more apt to be propagandized and not know it.

As to your apps, they are now annoying. Do you need an app to have a bowel movement? (Please do not respond, I fear your answer will make me want to have a bowel movement). Wake up and realize that those apps are just controls put on you. Commercial enterprises love apps because they use them to know your habits and all the things you do that were formerly private. They make you predictable and controllable. They make you ordinary. They are turning you into robots. Life is not about cell phone applications that make things easy and vacuous. It is about living in the real world and contributing to it positively.

I hope you will take my admonitions well and....opps...I think my land line phone is ringing. But then, why answer it..... May all your cell phone usage be only necessary ones.

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