Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Brawny Woman Arrival

My how times have changed our perspectives and our sexual identity. It used to be that men were men and women women. It was easy to tell and there were no social movements to label people as either a transgender or binary sex humans. But now it's hard to tell is acceptable and real.  Even corporations are changing sex roles. Last year Georgia Pacific's Brawny paper towels brand payed homage to the strength of women during March, Women's History Month, by replacing the Brawny Man with a Brawny Woman on limited edition paper towel packages. The packages included the hashtag #StrengthHasNoGender. Gender roles are dying when you can't buy a paper towel that doesn't advertise for gender neutral.

When is it going to end? I suspect that in the end the binary types will lose the battle. Gender neutral will never happen unless human beings can be born without genitals. The Brawny Towel example is just one movement to do away as any kind of gender identification . Women who have educated themselves and accomplished great things in life are equal to men who have done the same, but they are not physically the same.  Men and women will always be different physically because we are designed differently and we function and think differently, largely because we program each sex to be different. It seems to be a natural way for humans to achieve the most when they do not deny their chromosomes and genes.

What's wrong with being different ? Why do so many seem to deny that all of us differ from others in many ways. I understand that Brawny is putting the "Brawny Woman" on its towels because it is riding the ridiculous P.C. trendy denial of separate sex mentality. They probably will benefit from the publicity of their Brawny Woman and make a lot more money while the subject is still fresh. But still, the Brawny Man pictured on Brawny towels is a lumberjack. How many women today are lumberjacks or want to be?

If Brawny wants to celebrate female achievements on it towels, why not do so in a sensible way. Show all the great things women have done in sports, science, music etc. Trying to create an image of a gender, neutral, rough woman who is physically intimidating does not represent either an achievement by women or the typical woman. Also, last year,  Brawny Towels also announced it is making a $75,000 donation to Girl's Inc., an advocacy group focused on inspiring young girls to enter fields that have been traditionally closed to women in some countries. Now that's a positive approach that will have a real impact.

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