Monday, January 29, 2018

Culturally Irrelevant

The news media, newspapers and the rest, are all aflutter about the 2018 Grammy Awards. I know nothing about of any of the artists, their music, or anything related to them. It's because I have long been done with today's popular culture. I pay no attention to it and only find refuge in the past. It's sad, but common culture today is not something I respect or like. I think the explosions of media connections today has dumbed done popular culture to the extent it is both uninteresting to me and irrelevant to real life.

In the past there was not the cultural generation gap that exists today. In short, there is now no common culture. The days of a family listening to the same music, reading the same books, dressing the same way etc... are bygone days. Rather there now are a series of sub cultures and one must navigate those to find in which he or she fits. Many are defined by the age of the person interested, but the sex, political persuasion, ethnicity and more of the things that divide humans rather than unite them are what steers us to the sub culture of choice.

As to which subculture dominates, it is clear that the economy of scale determines that. The one which has the biggest financial impact of society dominates that society. Thus, I see Grammy winners who produce what I would not even define as music, praised for their "genius". Art is relative, but there is usually a standard from which art must start, a platform. Forget that today.

Perhaps that is the normal life cycle of change for a culture. But surely it is now a rapidly evolving cycle. Our communication technology changes so fast we have little or now time to even evaluate what that technology tells is is desirable. But it does mean more and more people are left behind and must find solace in past culture. When they do so they lose power in the culture, as they are ignorant of what it is about. Oh well, I think I'll just listen to an old Beatle tune and forget those 2018 Grammy Award winners, whomever they are.

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