Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New California

California, once the model state for progressivism, stability, wealth and fairness is today a disaster. Too much liberalism, idealism and unfairness is making California the worst state of them all. Middle Class and some wealthy Californians are ,leaving the state in droves, making it even more impoverished. Today California has the nation's highest level of poverty, caused by a shortage of housing and its sky high costs. A third of Californians are poor enough to qualify for Medi-Cal, the free medical care privilege for those "too poor" to pay their own way. It has the nation's worst traffic congestion and second worst pavement conditions.

It has a water supply that is inadequate to the state's needs. California's K-12 schools rank near the bottom in academic achievement, largely through the tens of millions of uneducated illegal immigrants who keep pouring into the state to get "free stuff". It has ever-growing debts for public employee pensions and retiree health care. Its state budget is a disaster, said to be “balanced,” but only if one ignores the huge debts its dishonest politicians hide. And perhaps worst of all in "diverse" California, the state is dependent o taxes from a few wealthy Californians, given most of the state is welfare dependent and very lightly taxed.

Ugh! Who would want to live in that mess? Apparently, besides the mass exit by people of wealth, education and hope for the future, there are some Californians who want to stay. The founders of New California took an early step toward statehood Monday with the reading of their own Declaration of Independence from California, a state they describe as "ungovernable." Their solution is not a legal or practical one, but one that is beautiful in the figurative sense. That group wants to take over most of current day California  including many rural counties, and leave the liberal, in the bubble coastal  and urban areas to themselves.

"The current state of California has become governed by a tyranny," declared  chairman Robert Preston the New California succession group, led in part by vice chairman Robert Paul Preston.. There is a "decline in essential basic services" including education, law enforcement, infrastructure and health care." Claiming the authority of Article 4, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the aspiring 51st state plans to convince California's legislature to split the state before submitting the resolution to Congress. That's an unlikely prospect because it is virtually impossible for any part of any state to legally break away and form a new state.

It's a shame that la la land can't be held accountable for its own destruction by way of crazy and dishonest left wing politicians, the flight of productive Californians to better states in which to live, and an invasion of tens of millions of uneducated and unskilled illegal immigrants who see gold in the California welfare programs,

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