Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Nuclear War Fears

This past weekend the country has a flashback to the late 50's and early 60's in the form of a missile attack false alarm in Hawaii. The computer technology that you love and I hate had a malfunction because of human programming error. It bv basically said that Hawaiians had 10 minutes to prepare for a nuclear attack. We Americans are  worried about nuclear war and but not seriously prepared for it. But then how can individual citizens avert immolation when a nuclear attack is launched?

Uh, I think they can't. The only defense might be defensive measures by the military, but then, that is unlikely as well. But the problem goes far beyond the inept handling of an emergency alert system. The old 50's "duck and cover' to protect yourself was laughable even in those days of much smaller nuclear explosions. Today, weapons are so powerful one can only wait and say good bye to loved ones while the rockets head toward we rats trapped in a maze.

At least most of us are aware of the futility of defense. Well, the Trump haters of course are politicizing this false alert, which had nothing to do with Trump. They say that the Trump administration is raising the risk of nuclear war. "That is an amazingly or dishonest idea, given that the inept Obama administration  that the left idealizes was engaged in the exact same nuclear strategy as the Trump administration.  When Barrack Obama was president the physics of war worked the same, no matter what your politics are. The crazy left elements should try to get serious about the possibility of nuclear attack. Essentially, the government and those horrible politicians Americans seem to love should tell Americans the facts about what to do if there is a nuclear attack.

There are a few things one can do to slightly minimize the impact of a nuclear explosion...if the explosion is not to close to the individual. But informing us what they are might make us feel slightly hopeless about the event, sort of like sugar cube placebos. In the meantime nations should try to disarm their nuclear stockpiles as swiftly as possible and keep or take away nuclear weapons from nuts like Little Kim in North Korea.  As Poet Robert Frost once wrote:

'Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.'

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