Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Someone Likes Fruitcake

There's good news for the often maligned Christmas fruitcake. Finally, someone wants you! That holiday dessert favorite (Well, I love it) studded with neon colored candied fruit and nuts, lathered in rum or bourbon that no one except grandma likes and many people re-gift has a new receptive audience. It's the hiker and exercise crowd who have fallen in love with fruitcake.  They say it is an efficient way to refuel. Loaded with dried fruit, nuts and just enough cake to hold the mix together, fruitcake is full of vitamins and minerals and is a great food for someone hiking 2,000 miles with a quarter of their body weight on their back.

It seems that hikers and other energy users are sick of those energy bars, which are much nastier tasting than any fruitcake I have ever eaten. Too, those energy bars are fragile while fruitcake stores well. The Pioneer Heritage Museum in Hurricane, Utah, has a 110 year old fruitcake on display.  Ugh, I doubt anyone would want to eat it. But it is still there. That may be the exception, but they do last a long time and store easily.

The disparaging of the noble fruitcake is a good example of popular culture's assessment being wrong, as we see it proven to be so when one examines the many crazy leftist narratives pushed during the Obama reign of terror on culture. The two biggest American  makers of high end fruitcake, Collin Street Bakery and Claxton Bakery have plans to expand their market, largely to appeal to their new fans in the exercise world. Collin Street plans to start selling fruitcake bars in 2018 made with fruit, nuts and brown rice syrup. Millennials are already wild about those kinds of energy snacks. Claxton already sells individual pre wrapped fruitcake slices that I personally love.

This is good for me because I don't have to make my own fruitcake at holiday time when there are tasty alternatives to purchase at stores and bakeries. But then...I have heard more than one person say that I am as "nutty as a fruitcake".

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