Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Trading Kids For Drugs

In this country it is said that most new trends, good or bad, start in California. It's la la land, where reality and fantasy are so often blurred one never can tell the difference. Here's an example of a "Is he serious about that California behavior". Los Angeles County authorities say two California parents have been arrested on suspicion of trying to sell their two sons for drugs. Yep! Every parent fantasy to ship junior off to some other unfortunate adult was acted out by those two. "They must be crazy or on drugs", you might have thought.

You got it. At least they didn't offer to trade the kids for a new edition of the latest cell phone. Sheriff's officials in Lancaster, California said that deputies responded last week to a home Lancaster following reports of possible child abuse by  38-year-old dad Vincente Calogero and 32-year-old mom Sarah Nilson after the two attempted to exchange their two sons for money or drugs.Vincent and Sarah could face charges including felony child endangerment, child neglect, and being under the influence of a controlled substance.  I think sterilization might be the best penalty if  the two are convicted.

It wasn't immediately known if they have attorneys because they seem too stoned to know whether they have. The two boys, whose ages were not disclosed, are in the custody of the county's Department of Children and Family Services. One must remember that in the state of California, and every other U.S. state, no license is required to breed and raise children. Yet, there are stiff penalties for anyone who fails to secure a dog license to own Fido. Kinda says something about society preferences.

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