Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mindless Protest

Me think they doth protest too much. Is there ever an occurrence today that someone does not "protest"? Most are  nothing more than idiotic and self aggrandizing tantrums of misinformation.  I was reminded the other day of last spring's classic example of  the Lower Merion High School (Pennsylvania) boys basketball team and its protest.

 Everyone seems to want to protest when they don't get their way. We are a nation and world of whiners, the "No Fair. No Fair, we lost the election" mentality of the Donald Trump hating Democrats donned different warm-up shirts for their recent basketball game at the high school. The shirts read, "I am a Muslim. I am a refugee. I am an immigrant. I am an American. I am an Ace." It's a political statement by a teenage basketball team inflicted on spectators who came to see basketball, not politics or protests.

Shamefully, the school allowed that P.C. protest at a school sponsored event. Never mind that fans who don't agree that Muslim refugees should be dumped into America who to see a political protest at a high school sports event. What next for, a foreign policy debate at a homecoming dance? School events should be free of political nonsense because partisan politics of any type is inappropriate at school events. But children see adults, particularly air g headed, out of touch Hollywood celebrities protesting everything not in the P.C. agenda where ever those "stars" appear. Inappropriate examples beget inappropriate examples among kids.

The school system in this case is cowardly for not stopping such things before they start. A simple reminder to the coach that protests at sporting events are against school rules and that serve penalties (I suggest shutting down  the season for that team right now. The players will learn that protests are serious things to be acted at at appropriate venues at appropriate times, not trendy "look at me" events). The so called protest is against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States from countries that are so chaotic that checking on the identify of the refugees is impossible.  Isis and other terror groups regularly infiltrate the "refugees" with operatives as away of entering western nations to enable more terrorism there.

Besides the cowardice of adults for allowing this, the saddest aspect is the players ignorance of what they protest. Their complete indoctrination into political correctness and the "look at me I am special because I protest" ritual reflects the dumbing down of humans in this country by the leftist agenda. I hope the players social studies teacher assigns a complete examination of the matter about what they protest. Literature about the refugees and about immigration from all views should be required reading for the players. But then, any teacher today who requires a serious study and understanding of a P. C. issue would probably be fired before the next sunrise.

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