Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Crazed Leftist Impeachment Movement

Despite one's feelings about President Trump, any rationale person would have to admit the reaction to his election is more bizarre than was Trump's election. In particular, the "we need to impeach Trump for any reason" movement that the left implemented from the day Trump was elected is not only irrational, but a blight on democracy in this country. Who can forget the unparalleled unqualified, dishonest California Congresswomen Maxine Waters, holding a press conference immediately after the election to say 'We have to 'impeat' (Maxine seems to have a loose grip on English vocabulary, but she has learned since then that the word is "impeach") Donald Trump before he takes office"? Huh?

Maxine's battle cry to ignore the democratic election process when her party candidate loses  an election was a rallying cry to many other politicians and, of course the empty headed leftists celebrities who live in their own bubble. Maxine is a cartoon character who is ignored by most, but more responsible leftists decided to try to remove Trump by falsely claiming he colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton. Congress demanded a special prosecutor (one who hates Trump and who is happy to dig up dirt on Trump, given Trump "insulted" the special prosecutor's friend (the corrupt James Comey).

The problem is, after a year of investigation there is no evidence that Trump had any dealings with Russia during the election. But alas! There is a pre ponderous amount of evidence through private and public testimony under oath that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did. That investigation seems to have no end, despite the fact that the premise of Trump's Russian collusion was simply lies by the left.  The left is now flailing in every direction to "impeach" Trump for any policy he pursues. When he attempts to restrict the out of hand immigration in the U.S. some leftists say Trump is "racist" ("racists" and "misogynist" are the first two words leftist infants learn) and must be impeached because of it. When the failed Obama care is the Trump target the left screams to impeach Trump because "He hates the poor". The litany of unimpeachable charges that the left throws at Trump is long and idiotic. But the latest is even more insane.

Now a group of left wing Democrats wants to impeach Trump because...get this..because he Tweets mean things. After a year of personal, false attacks by a congresswoman, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,  President Trump's launched one of his crude Twitter attacks on Gillibrand (a close associate of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama).  She called them a “sexist smear,”  and Democrats are now calling for congressional hearings on the president's own alleged past sexual misconduct. Democrats in the House and Senate said the tweet underscores the need for the president to be held to account and want him impeached or to resign.

All of this histrionic impeachment talk is foolish. President's can not be impeached because the opposing party doesn't like them. Too, to cheapen the impeachment process the way the left is doing is to cheapen the democratic electoral system. Those leftists who want Trump out at any cost threaten to destroy democracy in their crazy quest. In stead of crying and lying, pandering to their leftist base, the left should clean it's own house of crazies like Waters and Gillibrand, and accept that they lost the last election. Hmmm Maybe we should "impeach" them if they don't!

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