Saturday, December 9, 2017

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

If you think the global warming hysteria is a bit of a stretch, hold on to your seat when I inform you of the latest leftist environmental fear. It's glitter. You know, the glitter kids like to color with. Glitter,  commonly used in arts and crafts, is comprised of small plastic particles.  Now some scientists argue the particles get into the ocean and the environment where animals eat it. But then, most scientists are not yet on board of the "Glitter will kill us all" train. One English professor, Richard Thompson, did a study and discovered a third of fish caught in the United Kingdom contained plastic particles. Dr. Trisia Farrelly, a scientist at New Zealand’s Massey University, said glitter should be banned because it was a microplastic.

I think banning glitter would be a pretty easy thing to do. It's not like fossil fuels, something that is essential for man's survival but I wonder if the glitter is evil scenario has been created to shift attention away from the fossil fuel is evil nonsense. Erring on the side of caution and banning glitter would not cause any harm to humans. Too, when an extremist, unproved idea is empty ("It's global warming and we're all going to die"!) it is often easier to jettison or downplay it by shifting to a new subject .

The scientists who fear glitter say that micro beads, a tiny piece of plastic that were common in beauty products, were the biggest culprit for polluting the environment. The  particles easily get into water filtration systems where they wind up in oceans and lakes. Fish and other marine life consume them and pass it on to us when we consume them. And as we know when the climate nuts scream for their cause and start accusing non believers of being "climate deniers" there is a PC reaction to the claims.

Some British nurseries have banned using glitter in its establishments due to the “terrible damage” the arts supplies does to the environment, and seven states in the U.S. have banned using micro beads in beauty and health products. Wow! Don't tell Taylor Swift. It might ruin her whole act.

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