Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Quieting The Greening

The Green at all cost rhetoric is dimming, thank goodness. With the exit of perhaps the single worst ever U.S. President there are fewer and fewer of those mandatory tax subsidized inefficient "green energy projects". The current President just wants cheap, abundant, environmentally neutral fuels that competes with consumers in a free marketplace. No more taxpayer money spent to subsidize those alternative energy failures. It's nice to live in a world where the government doesn't designate energy sources as "good" or "bad".

Don't the green people understand that those turbines and solar farms in rural or wilderness settings require access roads and transmission lines that impact the environment. Perhaps not. They are too focused on the much smaller environmental degradation from drilling for fossil fuels in Alaska or fracking for clean natural gas in North Dakota. Zealots never reason because they are too busy following the trendy narrative they have been propagandized to believe to be true. Someone should tell them that the 52,000  green U.S. wind turbines that hardly work at all grind up protected and unprotected birds and bats and produce low frequency sounds and light flicker that disturb wildlife.

It saddens me to see my nation's small children propagandized, no brainwashed, by teachers who pass on  the silly green energy lies they themselves do not understand, but hold to dearly.  Oh well, that routine is producing a new generation of mindless robots that will  be pliable to every leftist green lie propagated. The sheer volume of talk about energy, energy prices, and energy policy on both sides of the green verses non green aisle suggests that we must know something about these subjects. But the things we think we know are mostly myths, especially the alternative energy myths.

 A better understanding of energy would change views and policies on a number of very controversial issues. Yet, it will be hard. The current wind is blowing a little more rationally now that the left is out of power and occupied with other more personal political problems. The truth is that the more efficient our technology, the more energy we consume and despite the often odd behavior of the current president we should thank him for drilling more and greening less.

Our fossil fuels are not running out.  America's relentless pursuit of high grade energy does not add chaos to the global environment but rather restores its order, now that the green foolishness has started to run out of gas. When better alternative energy sources that the sketchy ones now touted are found, we will use them and replace fossil fuels because consumers will want them, not because the government tells them they have to use them. That day is a long way from here.

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