Sunday, July 3, 2016

Transgenders On The Battlefield

The Obama decade has been confusing, if not bizarre. It's one of liberalism run amok, where individual rights are sacred and collective rights problematic. No better example is the co called transgender emancipation. The Obama administration is sparing no  taxpayer expense to accommodate the "third sex' of those who have what psychiatrists call "Gender identity disorder". The latest transgender mandate is an Obama directive to the military to  repeal its ban on transgender service members.
The military may one day have a tranny unit, I guess. Allowing transgenders into the military is a controversial decision that would end arguments among the armed services on how to allow those troops to serve openly. Well, if transgender people want to be shot on the battlefield too, they should be able to go for it. The tranny in the military plan would direct each branch of the armed services over a one year period to implement new policies affecting recruiting, housing and uniforms for transgender troops according to a pentagon official.
In the past the military in the United States banned transgenders on the basis that might have an “adverse impact on military effectiveness and readiness.” That phrase basically suggests that military readiness, morale and good order and discipline might be affected by having transsexuals among the troops. It's not just about having a tranny in a fox hole with non trannies. What about having trannies in the barracks rest room?
And then the greatest concern of all about lifting the transgender ban guessed it.....the one that always takes precedence....the cost of it. The military has relayed to Obama concerns about  what extent would military barracks, ship berths, gym shower facilities, latrines, and other facilities have to be modified to accommodate personnel in various stages of transition and what would be the projected cost of these modifications.  And what about the cost of providing medical treatment for transgender troops, including behavioral health treatment, cross hormone therapy, voice therapy, cosmetic or gender reassignment surgery and other treatments? Too, would a flock of transgenders join the army simply to access free sex reassignment surgery? And how long transgender service members would have to serve before being eligible for medical treatment to transition to the other gender?  Taxpayers would probably not be pleased about a significant cost.
Finally, the question of troop morale might be one to consider. How will the troops react to having transgenders in their platoons? At the moment the U.S. military disqualifies transgender troops for medical reasons. But the Obama administration has directed an end to that. I suppose soon after transgender soldiers are recognized as desirable we will have a White House ceremony anointing the first transgender general. It's quite a different world we are entering. But then, that is about all that we can expect from the Obama gang.

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