Sunday, July 17, 2016

Olympic Trials

I watched the July 2016 track and field Olympic trails on TV in which the United States team is picked for Rio.  It reminded me that sports events are one of the few genuine things still left one can view on the idiot box (TV). Unlike the phony reality TV nonsense so many are enthralled with, live sporting events are wholly real. They mirror all that life presents and, like life, give us the one true reality in life- that there are more losers than winners in real life competitions.

The joy of the athletes who win spots on the team is exuberant, and given those athletes have devoted all their time, efforts and resources for the sole purpose of being selected it is understandable. Some collapse on the track after discovering they have won a place on the team. Whether they sob or smile in joy, they most obvious feeling they convey is relief. They are relieved to avoid injury before or during the trials, for injury as often as time or score defeats the best competitor.

Those who lose their competitions and do not make the team have to have conflicted emotions. There is the sadness of not qualifying, but there must also be deep disappointment in not being a qualifier on the team. Is that not like our own everyday life disappointments. We salve our heartache at failing by reminding ourselves we tried so hard to succeed. The real losers are only those who do not give complete effort in pursuit of the goal. In the end, in all our efforts in life we all learn that sometimes you have to lose to get better.

I never root for "Americans" to "win" when watching the Olympics. The competition somehow delivers a favorite to root for regardless of the country uniform he or she wears. All the athletes who compete in Rio are winners. Some win medals, but all endure struggles and reach inside for their achievements. That's what sports and life are truly about.

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