Monday, July 25, 2016

Cricket Shakes

Call it "health food/junk food" if you want, but I just call it disgusting and will abstain.  A hamburger fast food chain in Connecticut called Wayback Burgers is now selling milkshakes enhanced with high protein, low fat insects, more specifically the cricket milkshake. And the customers have been lining up for it when it was first introduced. Wait! They also line up to watch reality TV or poke their s cell phones for hours every day.  But it seems a bit odd to me that a seller would  claim a very non healthy milkshake would be made healthy by grinding dehydrated crickets and dumping them into the drink.

Supposedly, the cricket parts are ground so small it's hard to see cricket bits in the drink. Good thing, as Americans are unlike many people world-wide who regularly eat insects or insect parts in their food and long ago accepted it.  I guess it's an acquired taste, like tofu or something. But obviously there is little health component to adding that to a sugar laden, dairy shake that has so many preservatives and additives that those fad diet celebrities would vomit. But then it is all about trendy, I think.  People today would rather be trendy, follow the herd, than have to reason about their choices.

The chain says their customers "demanded it". Hmmmm Do people suddenly start demanding insects in their food without a cultural phenomenon as the driver? Tech mad Americans are particularly given to jumping on any bandwagon if the bandwagon promotes something on Face book or any of the other brain dead web sites the trendy types adore. Besides, the last time most Americans thought logically about anything was probably when they voted for their favorite reality TV star in one of those contrived realty TV contests.

Humans are less thinkers than ever before, and it's partly due to the fact that their cell phones and other technology do most of their thinking for them.  Tasters of the cricket shake say that the bugs added no discernible flavor except a bit of graininess, which is the same texture common in many protein shakes. That's good because if any of the cricket shake drinkers ever got a chunk of cricket in their sip I think they might decide that "saving the planet" by eating "healthy" foods isn't such a good idea. Then again, is there any real difference between eating the blood, guts and flesh of a cow and the components of dehydrated crickets?

 For me there is. I am used to the  former and have no desire to try the latter.  I can just see Wayback introducing its value meal to the customers. That would be a cricket milkshake, worm fry and roach enhanced burger.  Even tofu sounds better than that.

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