Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Liar In Chief

Hillary Clinton has redefined the concept of the lying politician.  No, really. I know most politicians use the lie as their go to strategy, but Hillary's whole life is a lie. From the philandering, abuser of females husband Bill, to Hillary's annoying pandering to the latest group or issue that brings in the most votes., Hillary is an inveterate liar.  If you live in La La land and either don't know what a horrid liar Hillary is get your Google fingers to research her life story. You'll be enlightened and I won't have to chronicle them for you here. But if you are too lazy here is a sample from You Tube

One would think it is easy to see that Hillary's usual default is the lie. After all, most people smile and let her get away with it. She has legions of fans who are in denial of just how she embraces the head prevaricator of the nation. The blind won't see when they don't want to or they are too ignorant to see the lies. I wish one of those clever techies would invent something serious instead of trendy and playful, something really useful in identifying the Hillary Clinton inveterate liar type. This would invalidate the strategy of the Hillary's of the world who escape their lies by depending on their continued denials of their lies. They wear us down by repeating their lies so much and depending on our apathy or stupidity about their lying.

Yep! We need a better lie detector for our politicians. I suggest a machine that is attached to the politician's head each time he or she makes a public appearance. Every lie would produce a red light above the politician's head and a "redirect-redirect" chant would be spoken by the machine to attempt to redirect the liar toward correcting the lie and speaking the truth. If one of those nerds can invent Google maps and that idiotic Pokemon Go app, why can't one invent the Hillary Lie Detector.

The world would be better off for it, and Hillary could refine her lying to her home. And that's no lie.............

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