Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pokemon Go Away

Thank God I am too old and too much a Luddite to waste y life on silly phone apps like Pokemon Go.  I don't get it, but then I long ago separated myself from much of what I see is an increasingly vacuous common culture. And now this silly phone game Pokemon Go has surfaced to make even more cell phone zombies. The sheep will follow when told to. Pokemon Go was downloaded more times during its first week than any other app history.

I can understand small children players attempting to catch those "pocket monsters" called Pokemon. Kids should do that. But Pokemon Go entrances adults who are supposed to have more highly developed capacities for using their minds.  To those Pokemon addicts, reality is  viewed through a phone's screen. And ironically, even the creator of the game, Google,  thought so little of the time wasting Pokemon that it created it  on 2014 as one of the many April Fools' Day jokes.  Is this the end of civilization?

One thing the mobile phone has proved is that humans can be distracted and controlled by idiotic cell phone apps.  What a simple way to control a population of increasingly stupid humans. One seed only issue a simple minded , distracting app and mold it into a trendy "reality" for users.  Why worry about diapers for the baby or showing up at work on time and working as opposed to playing an app while the boss is away. Why  pursue intellectual habits that ennoble the individual and that have lasting positive effect.

No, instead, better to again escape the real world with pointless time wasting phone apps. I suggest an alternative to the Pokemon silliness. If you want to experience the benefits of exploration and contact with your surroundings, leave your phone at home.  Don't chase and capture imaginary monsters. Chase and capture your personal, real demons and become a more rounded and interesting person. 

Going out and playing Pokemon Go a bit probably won't immediately damage your brain, but using technology in trivial pursuits to the exclusions of  real ones in the long term probably has ill effects that another app won't cure.

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