Friday, July 22, 2016

High Profile Honor Killing

The war between Islamic culture and modernity seems to be getting more intense, not just on the terrorist murder front but also on the Islamic home front.  Thousands of women ae murdered by male family members each year because those women committed the "unpardonable sin" of adopting western culture. In one of the more orthodox Islamic countries,  Pakistan, hundreds woman are murdered by family members each year in so-called honor killings, which are seen as punishment for violating conservative norms.

The latest high profile honor killing in Pakistan is that of Muslim Kim Kardashian wanna be (Is it possible in an Islamic nation to be a Kardashian clone?) Pakistani fashion model Qandeel Baloch, who has upset the local Muslims by posting pictures of herself in sexy attire. She was strangled to death by her brother, police said Saturday. Her parents told police one of her six brothers strangled her to death as she slept in the family's home in Multan. The murdered girl had asked the Pakistani government for protection after death threats from her homicidal family.

Police are said to be searching for the suspect, but is it to award a medal or prosecute. Give the history of honor killing suspects, the murderer will more likely be hailed as a hero than spend time in prison. Pakistani law allows the family of a murder victim to pardon the perpetrator of  a crime. This practice is often used in cases of “honor” killings, where the victim and perpetrator frequently belong to the same family, in order to evade prosecution. So it's a get out of jail free card for honor killers.

Islam is the sick man of religion, a faith with sects that adhere to a barbaric moral code, one with no central leader (Catholics should send them the Islamic loving Pope Francis), no single standard orthodoxy  and one with a paranoia against anything not approved by the Koran. It's antediluvian to the extreme.

The west wonders how it can stop the madness that has taken over some of the Islamic sects. Until the savage honor killings and other inhuman practices stop among extreme Islam an all our war may be the only alternative to waiting for Islam to cleans itself.

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