Friday, July 29, 2016

A Protest For Everyone

This is the Age of Information, or is it Misinformation? You know, the era when people can find information about anything on line. Most of the time it's misinformation, but the poorly educated world is not quite able to determine the wheat from the chaff. Besides, people today already have their minds set on what is true and what is not. A simple thing called evidence won't sway them from their preconceived notions because there are always web links that will confirm their misconceptions as being "true".

Because we are so wrong filled with misinformation these days, we tend to protest a lot.  Many have causes, obscure and wacky to most, but real to the believer, that they want to promote. I noticed quite a few of those protesters at the Democratic coronation of Hillary Clinton. The 2016 Cannabis Pride March, for instance, was there protesting for legalization of weed everywhere. One of the protesters for that group said to a reporter at their march that, “We need a non-racist criminal justice policy, and one of the first things we can do to break that down is legalize marijuana" Huh? I have no idea what that guy said but I suspect he was toting on a joint when he said it.  The Cannabis Pride March was shut down by a rainstorm, at least the group members left the streets when they got too wet. It proves that even pot heads sometimes know that they should come in out of the rain.

Two other groups that I noticed that were protesting were the Food & Water Watch and Global Zero? I wonder if the Food & Water Watch folks also had sense enough to leave the streets when the rains came. Maybe not, because they are watching for water and food. Hmmm Let me be one of the misinformation cretins and look on line to see if the Food& Water Watch would be a good thing for me to join. I see! They have a web site and it says they hate corporations. Their three main points of protest are: 1) Moneyed interests have too much influence over government officials who are supposed to serve the public good – not corporate profits. 2) A handful of powerful corporations like Monsanto make most of the decisions that affect the food we eat and the water we drink. and 3) Profit – not what's right for our communities, our health, or the environment – drives too many decisions about the things that matter most.

Wow! That group surely hates businesses. I wonder if they bought their signs or sing materials from one of the corporations they hate. That would be deliciously ironic.  The web site says they hate, fracking, chemicals in food, broken democracy, global trade, corporate control of water, Gmo's and motherhood, I guess. I won't support that one because they hate too much. I have not the stomach for so much protest, and besides I am afraid I would have to give up all the "chemically enhanced junk food I like."

Let me check on that Global Zero protest group now... I found it! Their web site says it's an international group which wants to eliminate nuclear weapons. I think having just one complaint is a better goal than  the menu of complaints Food & Water Watch protests. But that's a pretty big goal. Their web site shows a bunch of people, laughing and smiling, in blue T shirts as they  hold a sign that says, "President Obama: 70 years is too long to wait to ban nuclear weapons". 

Poor Obama might not be at fault for nuclear weapons. He can't ban them in the U.S. without being nuked by the North Koreans or some other rogue dictatorship. But then, the group's web site also says, "When we eliminate nuclear weapons it will be because of me." Nope! Id' rather blame it all on Obama and just watch them protest in their blue T shirts. Blaming Obama is almost more fun than being nuked.

There are many more protesters at the convention trying to take the spot light from lady Hillary. Some are non affiliated protesters. Those are young, mostly men, who protest wherever the sexiest women happen to be.  They are more likely to be successful than the serious protesters with the signs and flags they wished to bur. Oh, I saw a news cast a clip of one protester who set an American flag on fire in "protest' to whatever caught her fancy. The problem for that one was that an apparently intoxicated woman cheering next to the burning flag, caught on fire from the flames.

 I thought how nice if one of those nutty protesters would set fire to the whole Democratic convention stage.  A rat like Hillary Clinton would surely flee to safety and save the United States from her blathering.

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